Wednesday 14 September 2016

Why Start Looking for an Overnight Summer Camp Now?

What’s with all the rush? The fall season has just started; overnight summer camp won’t be happening any time soon. Try telling this to campers and staff members; for you to find out that they’ve been planning for the next overnight summer camp already– that they even started the countdown. To support that, there are even mobile apps that are specifically made for tracking time down. So, if you haven’t put much thought into this, we believe that you probably should.


Why? Basically, if your children have heard the idea of an overnight summer camp from their friends, then there’s a huge possibility that they’d love to experience this too. If he/she shows some interest, the it’s a perfect time to ask your child if he’d want to attend one next summer. Although summer is almost a year away, you have to consider that the holidays are just around the corner– which means you’ll be very busy the coming months and before you know it, it’s already summer!

For parents who are new to this, you’ll be surprised to know that there are a lot of overnight camps that already have opened enrollment for next year! Sounds a little too early and crazy? Not really; considering the fact that there are plenty of camps that operate at capacity enrollment every season. Wherein, the majority of their campers, usually of junior high and high school age are returning campers. Then, there are siblings of existing campers who get first priority during early registration. Once those spots are filled, the remaining slots would be given to new campers. There’s always a demand; that’s why being early is can be very helpful.

Premiere level overnight camps are usually the first choice of most campers and there’s a valid reason for that– this kind of camp takes great pride in the balance of personalities they assemble every summer.

What does this imply? Enrollment will be a little different– you won’t simply have to fill out a form, submit, and pay an application fee. There’s usually a screening process, giving you the assurance that you’re sending your child to an overnight summer camp where the staff members care a lot about them. They’re more than just staff members– they are a summer family for your children. It’s one of the things that often influence the parents to choose a particular summer camp. That means they are going to meet people who would care for them, as well as other children whom they will definitely have a great time with.

That said, even though the new school year is barely starting, we still believe that it’s still the perfect time to plan your child’s overnight summer camp. Talk with your child, and ask him to come up with a list of expectations for a summer camp. This would serve as your guide during research.

You should contact us and we’ll do the research for you. We have been offering FREE advice on overnight summer camps and summer programs for more than 25 years.

With our first-hand knowledge, we can guide you to find the perfect Overnight Summer Camp or Teen Summer program for your child.

Simply fill out the form on our website, and wait for our call. We’ll help you choose the best summer camp for your child.

Feel free to call us anytime at 877-553-3737.

And remember, our service is always FREE OF CHARGE.

Want your child or teen to have this experience, please click here to get free, professional overnight camp assistance.

Thursday 7 July 2016

10 Tips for Sending Care Packages to Overnight Summer Camp

Nothing is as hard as saying goodbye to your camper as he goes off to an overnight summer camp. It is only natural that you would want your camper to have a few things from home just to show that you care.

Note that not all overnight camps permit the sending of care packages. Please check your camp’s guidelines beforehand.

If they do allow for the delivery of care packages, here are 10 tips for sending those care packages to an Overnight Summer Camp. Again, please double check with the overnight camp for specific guidelines.

overnight camp-you are loved

1. Indicate the return address on the package.

Camps are strict on what comes into a camp and what goes out of it. Limiting packages that do not have return addresses on them is important for the safety of those attending camp. It makes sure that unknown people do not sneak in any bad items into the camp. Therefore, it is critical for you to write a return address on the package so that they do not send it back to the post office.

2. Adhere to the safety and health rules governing packages.

Some packages may violate the health rules at overnight camp. For example, they may include beverages that are not fit for campers or foodstuffs that contain possible allergens when exposed to other campers other than the intended recipient of the package. Therefore, it is critical for you to go over the safety and health rules adopted by the camp so that you do not break any of them.

3. You should not send a lot of stuff to the camper.

Packages do not have to be big for them to know how much you care. The camper will appreciate your concern and care even if you send just one item such as a book or a comic book. Focus on what your camper could want and include it in the package.

4. You do not have to spend a lot of money.

Do not be overly concerned about how much you spend on an item. Rather, focus on the practicality of the item. Remember, the overnight camp will not last forever so why spend a fortune on a temporal event.

5. Think of the entire cabin when you send your package.

Your camper is part of a group at the overnight camp. A package that includes the entire cabin can make the camper feel more integrated into the interactions at the camp. Some of the things that are all inclusive for the campers present at the cabin include bouncy balls, friendship bracelets, temporary tattoos, bubbles, etc.

6. Simple and non-physical activities are also nice.

Campers often need their rest, but some of them feel bored when others are sleeping. You can include a nice game in your package for your camper. It will keep the camper busy during such times of boredom. For example, puzzle books, origami papers, journals, and a deck of cards might be nice. Your camper can use them when activities slow down at the camp.

7. Some silly stuff will not hurt.

Camp is always about building a unique and confident personality in the campers present at the cabin. Doing so requires a bit of silliness so that the campers can get out of their comfort zone to embrace their uniqueness. Some silly yet fun things you can send include funny glasses, noise putty, wacky clothing, whoopee cushions, and hair accessories.

8. Small things are always a good idea.

Big packages are expensive to ship and they can take a long time to put together. More importantly, overnight camps are usually space deficient so finding enough space for your package in a safe area at the camp is difficult. For these reasons, you should consider small packages.

9. Do not forget to pack some practical items.

Packages should reflect the circumstances facing your camper. For example, you should not send silly fun stuff only when your camper needs a pillowcase, marker, or a notebook. These practical needs in addition to batteries, cameras, water bottles, toothbrushes, and stamps all come first before anything else, so be sure to include the items that your camper really needs.

10. Remember that packages are not mandatory.

You should not feel obligated to send a package to your camper because there are no rules demanding that you should do so. However, your camper is always happy to receive any type of package from you. It lights up your camper’s day and it makes your camper feel special.

Want your child or teen to have this experience, please click here to get free, professional overnight camp assistance.

Sunday 5 June 2016

What can you do to help your child beat homesickness at overnight camp?

Last summer we had a chance to visit a number of overnight camps and spoke to many children about their experiences at overnight camp. We were really impressed by the way they were proudly conquering their homesickness, especially if they had a bad experience in their first week or month.

Generally, about ninety percent of children do experience some homesick feelings when they are at overnight camp. Homesickness is not a disease; it is a completely normal life experience that every child can easily master given the opportunity. There is nothing wrong for a child who loves her or his parents to feel some longing for dad and/or mom. In fact, even though children often report painful levels of homesickness when away from home, it is ironic that at the end of the day they usually rate themselves as very happy in their activities.


Parents have only one problem; wondering if their children are unhappy or having fun at camp. Well, we know it’s not that easy to judge from a distance, particularly if your child falls into the group of campers who send notes filled with words of homesickness. The most obvious things you’ll find on the note are claims that he/she is not feeling good being at overnight camp and wants to come home to a see a doctor, or they are not having any fun. When you receive such a letter, it would be best to call and speak to your child’s group leader to be reassured that your child is doing great. Even if your child is still homesick, always remember that you picked this overnight camp because you had confidence that they could manage a homesick child.

The recent research suggests that even though almost all children will have some homesick feelings, it’s only two in ten campers who experience real distress. Also, only about 8% to 10% of children often develop severe homesickness that they are not able to overcome. Homesickness experienced by this group of children is generally high throughout the camp sessions and drops off only in the last few days when they’re sure their parents or guardians are about to pick them up.

If you want to help your child overcome homesickness, here are a few recommendations.

· Get your child prepared for overnight camp

You should inform children that experiencing homesickness is normal, and that it means they have a home they love. If they are prepared, they won’t be surprised and neither will you. Also, you should remind them that homesickness is not a reason to leave overnight camp. Sincerely, if you let them go to overnight camp having the feeling that they can leave, then you can be sure they’ll not help themselves manage the tough feelings. When you allow your child to leave early, you simply encourage her to feel like he/she has failed. It’s therefore important that the child stays at camp until the end, even if he/she is homesick.

· Let your child know that there are counselors and friends at the overnight camp to help him or her when needed

A great overnight camp always has counselors and group leaders who manage homesick campers with skill and sensitivity. So, tell her or him to speak to the counselors whenever he/she feels homesick.

· Stay as calm as possible when empathizing with your child’s fears

We know it may sound obvious, but you should not allow yourself to be affected by your child’s fears. For instance, when you’re dropping her/him at the camp and say goodbye, expect tears from your child, but try to control your feelings. Don’t even think of saying words like “we will miss you”, that the house will feel empty, or anything that is likely to make your child wish she or he isn’t leaving. Your main aim is to help your child leave for camp feeling strong. It would be great to tell him or her that you’re sure he/she will have so much fun and that you can’t wait to hear all about it.

· Show confidence in your child’s courage to go to overnight camp

This one matters a lot. Self-confidence arises out of a sense of competence. In other word, the children will develop confidence not just because you tell them they are great, but because of their achievements. Without a doubt, it’s pleasing to hear encouraging words from dad or mom. However, words of praise mean more when they refer to a child’s specific efforts and accomplishments.

· Lastly, tell your children that you would like them to have a great time at the overnight camp

They need your blessings and not anxiety.

Remember, overnight camp provides your child with a lifelong learning and development experience.

Want your child or teen to have this experience, please click here to get free, professional overnight camp assistance.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Is It Too Soon to Think about Writing Letters to Your Overnight Camper?

Truth be told, it’s difficult for many adults to write a letter
to their children who have gone to overnight camp.


Perhaps, the reasons for this could be related to technology,
writing letters has become a thing of the past.

Everyone likes to receive a letter, even children or teens.


If you ask your children who have gone or will be going to overnight camp, they’ll tell you that it would be nice to receive a letter from their parents instead of something else. It doesn’t matter what the letter contains, they just love the idea of receiving something from their loved ones. And, a written letter is a good way to relieve homesickness that your child is likely to experience.

For parents who don’t have any idea of what to write, here are some great tips that can inspire you.

1. Talk About What You Did Today

Even though most children wouldn’t admit this, they probably feel homesick every now and then. That said, they’re eager to find out what you did over the past few days, what you had for dinner, and if you went somewhere. This seemingly everyday nonsense can be special to them.

2. Surf the Web

If you’ve already told your child about the happenings in your life and you can’t think of anything else to say, then go online and check the news. Maybe they’d want to know about something going on right now. They probably have little or no access to online resources at overnight camp.

If your child is into sports, then he’d appreciate it if you send him score updates. Know what your child’s interests are and share something about that.

3. Write a Funny Story

Did something funny or unusual happen these past few days? Why not share that ridiculous incident with your child?

4. Send Some Funny Cards

Children have a huge sense of humor. Although sending those cutesy Hallmark cards are nice, funny cards are better. To make it even more personal, include a few lines that come from you. Keep in mind, they want to hear about YOU, and these cards are just a bonus.

5. Dumb Jokes Aren’t Really Dumb at All

Exert some effort and try to come up with 5-10 silly jokes. Encourage your children to read these jokes to his or her friends at overnight camp. This is a great way to encourage your child to socialize with other campers.

6. Does Your Child Like Gossip?

If the answer is yes, then you should consider sharing some celebrity headlines. For instance, ask your child if she knew that a celebrity couple named their baby Northwest, then include some suggestions for other ridiculous celebrity baby names.

7. Be a Picasso

If you have an artistic side, or you think you can draw, instead of writing a letter, try to come up with a comic strip narrating what happened in your life. It would be better if the story you’re going to draw is something funny. The key is, it should be something that’s very amusing.

8. Crazy News Headlines

For some sort of diversion, you can include some crazy news you have recently read.

9. Care Packages Are for College Students, Not Campers

We’re including this in the list because, even though a lot of overnight camps have prohibited the parents from sending useless stuff to their children, there are some who still do it.

Your children don’t need a package of junk just to realize you care.

If you can’t resist the urge and you really want to send a care package, check the overnight camp’s policy first and follow it. They made these rules for a reason.

10. Share Your Feelings

You are allowed to be a little clingy and affectionate. Tell them what you feel and be very honest about it.

If you want your children to appreciate you even more, writing them several letters while they’re at camp can be very effective! It doesn’t matter if it’s just 2-3 sentences long; what is important is the realization that you’re thinking about them.

Want your child or teen to have this experience, please click here to get free, professional overnight camp assistance.

Monday 9 May 2016

Can a Gap Year Program Help You With College Admission?

Over the last few years many colleges and universities have been open to the idea of students taking a gap year before they are actually admitted to a higher education school. As a matter of fact, they encourage it.

So why are so many colleges encouraging students to take a gap year?

Colleges and universities have come to realize that a gap year can play an essential role in the development of practical and interpersonal skills, and helps demonstrate a commitment to volunteerism, service and global engagement. They support students who embark on gap year adventures for a number of reasons, including:

· Fostering responsibility and independence

Students who spend a gap year working or volunteering, are more prepared to care for themselves in new, ever-changing environments, especially if they’re going abroad. They learn to make a commitment to something, plan it and follow through on it.


The ability of new students to adjust to their new surroundings is a great concern for both student life staff and university admissions. A gap year minimizes those concerns. Completing a gap year isn’t just about training the students to be responsible for taking care of themselves. The proven ability to perform complex tasks, fulfill obligations, and the independence to do things on their own, are key qualities that will be very appealing to any admissions professional who reviews a potential students application.

· Developing new skills

It really doesn’t matter which field you’re going to focus on, your post high school gap year will present you with the opportunity to do something you’ve never done before. You’re likely to acquire a second language or leadership/team-building skills, and utilize these learned skills by putting them into practice.

· Boosting your grades

Informal data from colleges and universities that track the performance of students who take a gap year clearly suggests that those students do better academically when compared to those who join college immediately after high school. A gap year can actually help a student refocus and give their brain a break, thus preparing them for greater success once they continue their education. Most admissions experts admit that taking time off can be very helpful for high-performing students who feel exhausted after overwhelming extracurricular and academic schedules throughout high school.


· Helping cope with stress

It’s not fun to confront stressful situations encountered in life, but the experience of learning to control your emotions and deal with high-stress moments in a gap year environment will definitely help prepare you to effectively manage the schoolwork and any other sources of stress once you join college.

· Providing good life experiences and helps guide your studies

Gap year in a field like public health, international relations, education or development can provide an ideal chance to gain real life experience and help narrow your focus before you actually jump back into your studies. If you’re not sure which area to specialize in, this is the perfect chance to test the waters before you actually start committing money and time to a full degree.

There is also a chance to find a volunteer opportunity or program that aligns with your interests and will give you a clear view of what the post-college career might look like.

· Demonstrating a commitment to civic engagement

Many colleges look very favorably on students who devote a gap year to volunteering or working in the community.

A wide variety of gap year programs help volunteers gain a number of essential skills that demonstrate a commitment to giving back to their communities.


Ready For Your Gap Year?

Given all these benefits — and more and more universities recognizing the positive results of a gap year — it almost seems like it would be a shame not to go. So why waste the time after high school graduation sitting in freshman seminars and trying to find your way to the frat quad.

Now is the time to get some real-world skills! The admissions office will still be there upon your return.


Want this experience, please click here to get free, professional Gap Year assistance.