Thursday 7 July 2016

10 Tips for Sending Care Packages to Overnight Summer Camp

Nothing is as hard as saying goodbye to your camper as he goes off to an overnight summer camp. It is only natural that you would want your camper to have a few things from home just to show that you care.

Note that not all overnight camps permit the sending of care packages. Please check your camp’s guidelines beforehand.

If they do allow for the delivery of care packages, here are 10 tips for sending those care packages to an Overnight Summer Camp. Again, please double check with the overnight camp for specific guidelines.

overnight camp-you are loved

1. Indicate the return address on the package.

Camps are strict on what comes into a camp and what goes out of it. Limiting packages that do not have return addresses on them is important for the safety of those attending camp. It makes sure that unknown people do not sneak in any bad items into the camp. Therefore, it is critical for you to write a return address on the package so that they do not send it back to the post office.

2. Adhere to the safety and health rules governing packages.

Some packages may violate the health rules at overnight camp. For example, they may include beverages that are not fit for campers or foodstuffs that contain possible allergens when exposed to other campers other than the intended recipient of the package. Therefore, it is critical for you to go over the safety and health rules adopted by the camp so that you do not break any of them.

3. You should not send a lot of stuff to the camper.

Packages do not have to be big for them to know how much you care. The camper will appreciate your concern and care even if you send just one item such as a book or a comic book. Focus on what your camper could want and include it in the package.

4. You do not have to spend a lot of money.

Do not be overly concerned about how much you spend on an item. Rather, focus on the practicality of the item. Remember, the overnight camp will not last forever so why spend a fortune on a temporal event.

5. Think of the entire cabin when you send your package.

Your camper is part of a group at the overnight camp. A package that includes the entire cabin can make the camper feel more integrated into the interactions at the camp. Some of the things that are all inclusive for the campers present at the cabin include bouncy balls, friendship bracelets, temporary tattoos, bubbles, etc.

6. Simple and non-physical activities are also nice.

Campers often need their rest, but some of them feel bored when others are sleeping. You can include a nice game in your package for your camper. It will keep the camper busy during such times of boredom. For example, puzzle books, origami papers, journals, and a deck of cards might be nice. Your camper can use them when activities slow down at the camp.

7. Some silly stuff will not hurt.

Camp is always about building a unique and confident personality in the campers present at the cabin. Doing so requires a bit of silliness so that the campers can get out of their comfort zone to embrace their uniqueness. Some silly yet fun things you can send include funny glasses, noise putty, wacky clothing, whoopee cushions, and hair accessories.

8. Small things are always a good idea.

Big packages are expensive to ship and they can take a long time to put together. More importantly, overnight camps are usually space deficient so finding enough space for your package in a safe area at the camp is difficult. For these reasons, you should consider small packages.

9. Do not forget to pack some practical items.

Packages should reflect the circumstances facing your camper. For example, you should not send silly fun stuff only when your camper needs a pillowcase, marker, or a notebook. These practical needs in addition to batteries, cameras, water bottles, toothbrushes, and stamps all come first before anything else, so be sure to include the items that your camper really needs.

10. Remember that packages are not mandatory.

You should not feel obligated to send a package to your camper because there are no rules demanding that you should do so. However, your camper is always happy to receive any type of package from you. It lights up your camper’s day and it makes your camper feel special.

Want your child or teen to have this experience, please click here to get free, professional overnight camp assistance.

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