Monday 9 May 2016

Can a Gap Year Program Help You With College Admission?

Over the last few years many colleges and universities have been open to the idea of students taking a gap year before they are actually admitted to a higher education school. As a matter of fact, they encourage it.

So why are so many colleges encouraging students to take a gap year?

Colleges and universities have come to realize that a gap year can play an essential role in the development of practical and interpersonal skills, and helps demonstrate a commitment to volunteerism, service and global engagement. They support students who embark on gap year adventures for a number of reasons, including:

· Fostering responsibility and independence

Students who spend a gap year working or volunteering, are more prepared to care for themselves in new, ever-changing environments, especially if they’re going abroad. They learn to make a commitment to something, plan it and follow through on it.


The ability of new students to adjust to their new surroundings is a great concern for both student life staff and university admissions. A gap year minimizes those concerns. Completing a gap year isn’t just about training the students to be responsible for taking care of themselves. The proven ability to perform complex tasks, fulfill obligations, and the independence to do things on their own, are key qualities that will be very appealing to any admissions professional who reviews a potential students application.

· Developing new skills

It really doesn’t matter which field you’re going to focus on, your post high school gap year will present you with the opportunity to do something you’ve never done before. You’re likely to acquire a second language or leadership/team-building skills, and utilize these learned skills by putting them into practice.

· Boosting your grades

Informal data from colleges and universities that track the performance of students who take a gap year clearly suggests that those students do better academically when compared to those who join college immediately after high school. A gap year can actually help a student refocus and give their brain a break, thus preparing them for greater success once they continue their education. Most admissions experts admit that taking time off can be very helpful for high-performing students who feel exhausted after overwhelming extracurricular and academic schedules throughout high school.


· Helping cope with stress

It’s not fun to confront stressful situations encountered in life, but the experience of learning to control your emotions and deal with high-stress moments in a gap year environment will definitely help prepare you to effectively manage the schoolwork and any other sources of stress once you join college.

· Providing good life experiences and helps guide your studies

Gap year in a field like public health, international relations, education or development can provide an ideal chance to gain real life experience and help narrow your focus before you actually jump back into your studies. If you’re not sure which area to specialize in, this is the perfect chance to test the waters before you actually start committing money and time to a full degree.

There is also a chance to find a volunteer opportunity or program that aligns with your interests and will give you a clear view of what the post-college career might look like.

· Demonstrating a commitment to civic engagement

Many colleges look very favorably on students who devote a gap year to volunteering or working in the community.

A wide variety of gap year programs help volunteers gain a number of essential skills that demonstrate a commitment to giving back to their communities.


Ready For Your Gap Year?

Given all these benefits — and more and more universities recognizing the positive results of a gap year — it almost seems like it would be a shame not to go. So why waste the time after high school graduation sitting in freshman seminars and trying to find your way to the frat quad.

Now is the time to get some real-world skills! The admissions office will still be there upon your return.


Want this experience, please click here to get free, professional Gap Year assistance.

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