Wednesday 23 December 2015

How Overnight Camp Benefits Parents and Children

When you think overnight camp, you might think children and teens, but parents can also gain a lot from it. Here are a few notable factors:

Overnight Summer Camp allows children to experiment by themselves

Children experience that exhilaration of being independent. The children at overnight summer camp make calculated risks and decisions on their own, gaining invaluable insight over what works and what doesn’t in any given situation. They will get to know the meaning of the phrase, “Sometimes you win, and sometimes you learn.” Children build their very own character when parents are not present or hovering over them. Overnight camp forges resilience, gets them out of their circle of comfort, and they will learn to either celebrate victories or take refuge from their losses.

Overnight Camp is a tech-free environment

Children are so dependent on the comforts of technology nowadays that they forget important life skills. Rarely will you see a youngster who isn’t glued to his or her mobile phone’s screen. Overnight summer camp forces the children to make use of downtime without their technological crutches, so they will have to interact with others the good old-fashioned way. They will rediscover the joys of reading a good book. Bedtime and evenings will not consist of logging in to their social media accounts to see what the others are doing- it will be ghost stories around the camp fire, letting their imagination run wild. Parents will be thrilled knowing that their kids are getting a much-needed break from technology.

Overnight Summer Camp re-establishes personal connections

Overnight Camp provides the opportunity for parents to rekindle romance. Parents have a lot on their daily plate- shuttling kids to and fro, working on their careers, managing their children’s school and other extracurricular activities. It can place a strain on relationships because of all the distraction. When their children are away at sleepaway camp, couples have a good chance of bonding by doing the things they love, and without interruptions. A weekend of just lying and sleeping the morning away with no care but for each other brings a magical, honeymoon-like moment.

Overnight Camp allows for creative thinking

Children will get to exercise their brains in the absence of electronic gadgets. Parents can also benefit from this factor, because a more distraction-free environment allows for career plotting and planning.

Overnight Summer Camp lets them grow up to be more independent

There is no better environment than summer camp to make a mensch out of kids. The absence of parental guidance provides an outlet for the kids to navigate life without anyone else telling them what to do. You might be surprised when your child comes home a seemingly changed person, more mature and emotionally grown up. They will have a sense of community, a roadmap on how to become a better citizen of the world.

Overnight camp expands your social circle and makes for career connections later in life

Summer camp lets children out of their usual circle of friends and puts them in where they can build new bonds with peers from another neighborhood, or even from different parts of the world. This kind of friendship stays with them throughout their lives. These connections can make them business partners in the future, or jobs and summer internships when camp is over. The importance of networking comes into full effect via camp.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Each family member appreciates the value of their family when arriving home from summer camp. Visiting day becomes a close-knit affair of overall appreciation full of hugs and tears. A month of being away from home teaches both children and parents the vital aspects of life that they often take for granted. Sometimes the best kind of love for growing kids is tough love- one that lets the child stick it out to let them develop toughness, endurance and resilience on what life throws at them.

You may miss your kids terribly and wander into their rooms. You may smell their things and browse through their possessions in their absence while at overnight summer camp. But it is all worth it, as they will be coming home and you can be sure that their camp experience will shape their childhood, and in what kind of individual they will be in the future.

Want your child or teen to have this experience, please click here to get free, professional overnight camp assistance.

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