Thursday 15 October 2015

Happy Camper: How to Choose & Pack for Your Children’s Camp Experience

At one point or another, most parents consider the option of sending their children to an overnight camp during summer vacation or time off from school. And as most families know, it’s never too early to start making plans for the year to come. But moms and dads can also feel confused, wondering if camps are worth their price tags and unsure of how to actually find a good one. Here’s a peek at why sending your tykes or teens to overnight camp is a great idea, and how to enjoy the planning part of it.

Understand the Benefits of Overnight Camp

Sometimes summer camps get tossed into the same box as any other extracurricular activity. They’re viewed as something fun and possibly beneficial, but costly and maybe even overrated. The truth is, the camp experience can be life-shaping if you choose the right one. It’s a place that fosters lifelong interpersonal learning skills.

Yes, camps can require a monetary commitment. But think of it in business terms: what is the return you’ll get on that investment? In the right program, children and teens will thrive. Camps offer a unique opportunity for social interaction away from the comforts of home and family, and this often fosters confidence and the creation of lifelong friendships. Beyond this, many camps teach valuable skills that attendees will continue to use throughout their entire lives.

Choose the Right One

camp-expert-advisor-womenOf course, all the benefits of an overnight camp are dependent upon your children going to a good one. It can be overwhelming when you start researching your options because there seem to be so many. Try not to get frustrated. Instead, contact a Camp Experts advisor, who will work with you to identify the best overnight camp for your child based on interests, skills and location. This site helps you search for the types of overnight camps that will most optimally fill the needs of your children and give you important information you might normally overlook.

Also, keep an eye out for camps that are accredited by the American Camp Association, a national organization that requires its accredited camps to meet hundreds of standards for health, safety and program quality. If you still need help finding the right program, try asking other moms and dads you know for recommendations. Oftentimes, a personal referral can be the best way to find the perfect camp for your little one.

Send Them Prepared

Finally, once you’ve decided on the overnight camp that fits your children best, it’s time to get them ready for the experience. Your first goal is to make sure they have an understanding of safety while away. Talk with them about what to do if a dangerous or uncomfortable situation arise, and let them know who they can go to at camp if they have concerns about anything. Give them emergency numbers, your home address and any other important details on a laminated paper to keep somewhere safe.

After safety is covered, get them outfitted for their adventure! Different overnight camps will ask that participants bring different items, so be sure to check what your camp specifically asks of you. Horseback riding? You’ll need jeans and closed-toed shoes. Swimming lessons? Don’t forget sunblock and goggles!Canoe-Lessons-At-Summer-Camp

Generally, if your children will be going to an outdoor camp, they’ll need to have some basics like high-quality hiking shoes and a good flashlight. Once you think you’ve purchased or gathered everything your children will need, ask them if they can think of anything else that might make them feel comfortable in a new setting. Nerves can get the best of anyone, and young ones often feel especially scared and vulnerable before starting a new adventure. It’s your job to properly prepare them – emotionally, practically and materially.

As you start the journey of deciding on an overnight summer camp for your children and helping them gear up for it, be sure to use as many resources to make the experience pleasant. Ultimately, the best thing is to incorporate your children’s opinions and feelings into every step of the decision-making process. This will guarantee that, when you pick them up after camp is over, you’ll be greeted by savvier, more adaptable and more emotionally whole kiddos. And who could want any more for their little ones?

Want your child or teen to have this experience, please click here to get free, professional overnight camp assistance.

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