Tuesday 25 August 2015

Looking For A 2016 Summer Overnight Camp – Why Now?

Overnight summer camps fill up quite fast and early

The last overnight summer camp has just ended and your child is looking forward to the upcoming school year. Is it time to think about the next overnight camp, or is it just too early to think about it now? The truth is, overnight summer camps fill up quite fast and early, and it would be in your best interest if you were to plan your child’s activities for the summer as soon as you can. The sheer number of available summer camps alone can seem overwhelming, but what important factors should you really look for in any summer program?

Important factors to think about now

Think about the type of camp you want. Are you looking for an academic or a more all-around, general one? There are also camps that offer therapeutic programs, sports and recreational activities, sleepover and adventure-themed camps, day camps, or curriculum-based programs.

Think about the goal that you wish for your child to achieve in the summer. Do you want him or her to be able to manage or learn good behavior? Do you want your child to learn a new skill, or just make new friends?overnight-camp-teen

Think about the support that each summer camp can provide. The most specific type of support to look out for are the staff and their child ratios, their level of training and education, the environment and equipment used, preparedness for emergencies such as an allergy attack or the method of interventions. You can also search for camps that attend to special needs children if you have one.

Think about the location of the camp. Is it accessible from your home or where you work? Do you want a more rural or urban setting? How about a field trip? More importantly, the summer camp’s location should have ample transportation availability and a reasonable commute time.

Finally, think about your budget, or how much you are willing to spend for an overnight camp.

All of these essential factors should be carefully considered to get a general feel of what you are really looking for. Ultimately, the best summer camp is one that meets or even exceeds you and your child’s needs in all aspects!

You can start touring summer camps that are still in operation

In addition, you can also have camp directors visit your home to explain the benefits and features of what their particular camp can offer you.

The Camp Experts and Teen Summers team is here and works tirelessly all year round

The Camp Experts and Teen Summers team is here and works tirelessly all year round to help you in deciding which overnight summer camp to go to.

We are a FREE advisory service devoted in helping you find the perfect teen program or sleepaway camp that the market has to offer. Camp Experts and Teen Summers has already accumulated valuable experience by assessing and researching over a thousand teen programs and overnight summer camps, worldwide!

Our professional staff of 30 experts are located all around the globe. We gather the most updated information on every summer program by surveying people’s camp experience, meeting with directors and visiting their camps and facilities.

camp-expert-advisor-womenOne of our experts will work alongside you and provide all the details that you will need to make an informed decision. We take pride in knowing not just the specific details of each teen program or overnight summer camp, but also having a good detail of information for each local community we visit.

We can talk over the phone or share coffee, and go over your details and listen to your summer camp needs. We will go over each and any requirement that you may have, including budget, goals and interests, personalities and any existing allergies, or special child needs. Your privacy is 100% secured and any information imparted will help us find the best chance for your family to experience an amazing summer.

We can mail a large selection of teen programs, overnight and day camps via cyber mail or snail mail based on the discussion and have you review them thoroughly.

Our specialization is in helping you find the best summer camp for your child or teen.

If any new development or insights come along, we can quickly adapt and offer additional recommendations to help you in your final decision.

Constant communication is important because we check your child’s enrollment from time to time. Let us know once you have made your final decision so that we can safely confirm it, and prepare the the extra things and provide additional tips before your child heads off to camp. This includes suggestions as to what to do with all the free time you now have!

Ask any adult as to what their best moments in life are, and they will most likely say summer camp! Bestow this timeless gift with careful consideration and get professional help from your personal Camp Expert now!

If you are interested in providing your child or teen with this experience in 2016, please click here to get free, professional overnight camp assistance.

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